Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Jefertiti Weighs In

Bobby Jose
Can't tell you how stoked was I...

When upon returning from (the unnameable canyon)
where I slithered down deep, dark desert passages
and celebrated the New Year with friends old and new.
A place where met I, quite unexpectedly in deed
a bunch of long bearded Keeblers.

In their wide eyes a look alight from deep experiences of
high adventure, near death scrapes, and...
the covetous, defensive look of men with something to hide...
When suddenly the Keeblers vanished from us
taking with them their recipes for fudgey cookies. Damn!

A palpable and ubiquitous sense of concern enveloped our camp.
Will the Keeblers survive the coming perils?
Will we ever taste the forbidden cookie?
How decidedly un-Keebler-like behavior indeed.
For days we follow on their heels, always a step behind.

When on the final day of our perilous journey, behold!
In a moment of unlikely and clearly ironic fate
there, in the stormy recesses of Water's End
stymied and in sorry shape were the lost Keeblers!
Excited were they to see us! Ah yes, how fitting.

However, jaded were we by the keeblers prior transgressions
we passed them by without the slightest hint of interest in their safety and well-being.
Alas, the whereabouts of these strange men are unknown and
it is unclear whether they eventually escaped their impending doom...
What is this story you ask? Who are these elusive Keeblers? Good questions indeed.

The answers to these questions may one day be told
after much ale has been drunk
and pipe of pungent smoke has made its round
In hushed words it will unfold
The story of the Diamond Down.

Thus, how stoked was I, upon returning from this sordid adventure
to learn that Bobby Jose, in keeping with his word of honor
has begun the hallowed DESERETDAYS BLOG! Finally a small toehold in cyberspace
for BJP and friends and their tales of adventure and mis-adventure in this god bless-ed desert country.
I shall finish the first chapter, or shall add on to what you've started. Nice Dude.

King Jefertiti

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